Basement Waterproofing in Goa

Basement Waterproofing in Goa

waterproofing of basement is very critical since one has to check many factors before going for remedial waterproofing. The aim of monitoring in basement is to locate the leaks at the earliest possible opportunity so that remedial works may be taken immediately without damaging the structure further. The designer of the waterproofing system should also consider the implications of any future failure if the system and how any defects can be repaired in the future. Basements can flood from almost any point including the walls, floor, pipes, windows, and hatchwayentrances. The solution to a flooded basement depends entirely on what’s causing the flood in the first place.

In basement the primary cause of defects and damages are due to ingress of water vapour or ground water along with chemicals such as chloride, sulphates or other aggressive chemicals causing corrosion of reinforcement. This may happen due to failure of waterproofing system. A regular inspection and proactive maintenance policy will limit the damage to the basement.